Hours and Reservations

The terrace is open to all patrons following the hours of operations for L’Alpette gondola. Restaurant hours will begin at 10:30 until 16:30 or until champagne has run dry.

Please contact Antoine Dubois, Head Maitre d', for any reservations and event booking. Table and conversation pit reservations will be held for fifteen (15) minutes after time of call. reservations will be releaser there after for any late parties. No exceptions or monetary compensation accepted under threat of expulsion.

By entering the premises, all patrons are aware to the following terms and conditions:

  • Sommet du Mont is not responsible for laundry expense related to spilled or sprayed beverage contents

  • Elevated surfaces over two (2) meters are prohibited dance surfaces (as of February 11th 1983)

  • We do not control the avalanche control artillery, as much as we’d like to